Contact Forms

Check across multiple browsers the added their own styles to checkboxes and input fields

The anatomy of the Beaver Builder contact form. IDs and Class selectors.

Please enter your name.
Please enter a subject.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

This custom text. ( .fl-terms-checkbox-text)

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
/*Background for the module and/or the form */
.fl-module-content { background-color:gainsboro; padding: 2%;}
.fl-contact-form{ background-color: ghostWhite; padding: 5%;}
/*Main form sections*/
.fl-input-group {border:4px solid magenta; }
.fl-input-group INPUT {border:5px solid white; border-radius:0; } /*excludes text areas*/
TEXTAREA {border:5px solid white; border-radius:0; }
/*covers input and title areas - see IDs below*/
.fl-name {background-color: chocolate;} 
.fl-subject {background-color: coral;} 
.fl-email {background-color: crimson;}
.fl-phone {background-color: darkcyan;}
.fl-message {background-color: plum;}
.fl-terms-checkbox{background-color: slateblue;}
.fl-terms-checkbox-text {color:peachpuff;}

/* There are ID's as well as classes that single out the input areas
Here I have used background-color to make the default transparent */

#fl-name {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);}
#fl-subject {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);}
#fl-email {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);}
#fl-phone {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);}
#fl-message {background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);}

/*Use this below when changing to one shared color
#fl-name, #fl-subject, #fl-email, #fl-phone, #fl-message {} */
LABEL {color: white;}

/* Placeholder styling for Chrome and Edge*/
.fl-input-group INPUT::placeholder {color: #000; background-color: pink;} /*BB defaults to a readable grey on black or white */
TEXTAREA::placeholder {color: #000; background-color: pink; }
/* Custom Success message and errors */
.fl-module-content SPAN.fl-success-msg P {background-color: tomato; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 30%; }
.fl-contact-form .fl-contact-error{color: thistle; font-weight: bold;}
.fl-contact-form .fl-success-none { color: green;} /* When "none" is selected for success action*/

/* Remember the focus state. Below the inputs have a grey background we need to specify also on focus */

.fl-input-group INPUT, .fl-contact-form TEXTAREA {padding: 2%; background-color: #444; color: #fff; border-radius:0;}
.fl-input-group INPUT:focus, .fl-contact-form TEXTAREA:focus{ background-color: #444; color: white;}
.fl-contact-form TEXTAREA {height: 260px;}
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Custom text about the thing I am agreeing to.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.